Use case

Group Communication

The larger the group, the larger the communication challenges.

Women in Mining South Africa (WiMSA) creates an empowering network to inspire, support and develop the progression of women working in the South African mining industry.

Whilst communication is essential in the furtherance of these objectives, WiMSA is a volunteer-led organisation and therefore requires very effective and low-maintenance communication methods that still enable meaningful information to be easily shared and consumed.

Network, WiMSA's own podcast channel, is the ideal solution as it enables the Chairperson, and committee members, to regularly update their members in a non-intrusive yet easy to access way. Podcasts are listened to while doing something else, and not instead of doing something else—usually while commuting, exercising or even cooking dinner. This makes Network an ideal method to keep all WiMSA members up-to-date.

Women in Mining SA
Recent WiMSA podcasts